Press Release

15 May 2024

Today saw the EIWH present the findings of their work in the IDEAHL project to the Young Women’s Health Group.

Established in 2023, the Young Women’s Health Group was created to hear the voices of young women, as women of all ages deserve a health sector that supports them pro-actively across their life-course. Women’s health must be supported by culturally appropriate healthcare services in a timely manner with care based on identified needs, and where girls and young women’s voices matter and are represented in decision making.

This group was the ideal setting for disseminating the results of the EIWH’s co-creation work with young women on the topic of digital health literacy ((d)HL) in the IDEAHL project.

The IDEAHL project, funded by the European Commission, is a project aiming to develop new models of and approaches to digital health literacy. This is done in conjunction with a large number of focus groups to help shape a comprehensive and inclusive EU digital health literacy strategy. The IDEAHL consortium is composed of 14 partners from 10 EU states.

The co-creation activity of the IDEAHL partners involved over 1,300 different stakeholders, from citizens and patients to healthcare and social services, policy makers, non-health sectors, academia, etc , and the results were used to inform the EU (d)HL strategy. The ultimate purpose of the project will be to empower EU citizens in using digital tools to have a more active role in the management of their own health and well-being, as well as supporting social innovations for person-centred care models.

Young women were one of the three groups that the EIWH carried out the IDEAHL co-creation session with in Ireland. As digital natives, their use of digital sources for health-seeking behaviour shed a fascinating light on how social media informs and influences young women, but also how their awareness of misinformation and issues of trust prompts them to seek verification from reputable sources. Our findings also showed the thoughts and concern young women have around barriers to full (d)HL and to participation in eHealth, for themselves and also for more marginalised groups in general and to women in particular.

To find out more, please visit www.ideahl.eu or eurohealth.ie.





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