Professor Dr. Roland Devlieger, MD, PhD
UZ Leuven and European Board and College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Roland Devlieger obtained a degree in Medicine in 1995 at KU Leuven, and specialized in Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Leuven and Dundee (UK) (1995-2001). After that he undertook a fellowship in Fetal-Maternal Medicine at the University of Leiden (The Netherlands) under the supervision of Prof. H. Kanhai and Prof. D. Oepkes (2002-2003).
His doctoral research was focused fetal surgical techniques. He successfully defended his PhD entitled Fetal membrane healing: experimental models and preventive strategies” on September 11th, 2003 at KU Leuven. He currently holds an academic position at the KULeuven as associate professor.
He is the head of the division of maternal-fetal medicine within the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Chair Prof. Dr. Ignace Vergote). He’s research focus is mainly clinical and translational and focusses on prematurity, obesity, reproduction after bariatric surgery and fetal surgery. He is Senior Clinical Researcher for the Flemish research fund, FWO Flanders, Belgium and member of the board of directors from the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis (ISPD).
He is a founding member of the Fetal Care Academy and board member of BASO (Belgian association for the study of obesity). His current H−factor is 30 with a total of 2672 citations (without self−citations) from 252 peer−reviewed publications.
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