HRB Funding Oct 2016

RB fPPI (Public and Patient Involvement) Ignite – A scheme, co-funded by the Irish Research Council, will allow approved HRB Host Institutions to apply for awards to promote and support Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in research within their institution. This call opened on the 26/10/ 2016 and closes1/03/ 2017. See  HRB Info National Children’s…

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1st Congress – Coordination and Management of EU funded Health Research Projects

1st Congress, Coordinating and Managing EU Health Research Projects. This Congress will be held on November 8th, 2016; at the “Fundación para la Investigatión del Hospital Clínico de la Comunidad Valenciana”  Valencia. It’ s part of the activities of the European Health Projects Office – Valencia Region ( Its mission is to promote international initiatives…

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Alcohol in Ireland and Getting the Measure of It

Drugs Strategy Launch of National Drugs Strategy Consultation Minister of State for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy, Catherine Byrne TD, has announced details of a public consultation on the new National Drugs Strategy. The strategy will set out Government policy on tackling drug problems from 2017 onwards. Minister Byrne said: “The development of the…

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Work, Welfare and Inequalities in Europe

Event Work, Welfare and Inequalities in Europe – The Research Perspective A one day seminar will be organised on the 10th Oct 2016  at VML02 – Rue van Maerlant 2, Brussels Belgium to present research evidence related to the present and future of European welfare and work, reversing inequalities, social investment and poverty. Findings will be…

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Trial to shrink and kill pancreatic cancer cells

Pancreatic cancers can be found when beyond using surgery Professor Jeff Evans, chief investigator, University of Glasgow, said: “This is the first time we’re looking at ways to make pancreatic cancer cells more sensitive to radiotherapy. One way to make pancreatic cancer a more treatable disease is to shrink the tumour enough to make surgery…

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Dialysis patients who smoke die sooner

Dialysis patients who smoke die earlier and are less likely to get a transplant ….    according to new research from the University Limerick. “Smoking remains a major modifiable risk factor for adverse outcomes for men and women on dialysis. It shortens their lifespans and reduces their overall chances of kidney transplantation,” according to Professor Austin…

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Letter to FEMM Committee – Women and Homelessness

This communication has been sent to all  Femm Committee members today. To members of FEMM Committee, European Parliament. The European Parliament has recently launched a written declaration calling for a renewed focus on reducing homelessness through a specific EU action plan. This opportunity would ensure that the needs of vulnerable women experiencing homelessness are incorporated…

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