Event , Science Gallery, Dublin 2, Tues 12 Jan. 2016, 6 pm – live webstream will be available Current research on the mental health difficulties affecting young people today, discuss how prejudice, stigma and discrimination around mental health can be alleviated by speaking openly about personal experiences and examine how artistic projects help open the…
Health and Social Ecosystem Implementing Research
PRESS RELEASE 8 DECEMBER 2015 Health and Social Ecosystem – Implementation Research This successful event was hosted by Alojz Peterle (MEP), who opened the session by highlighting the role that eHealth services can play in improving citizens’ life, as well as driving economic development in the European Union (EU). Peter O’Donnell (Politico) moderated the session,…
Pact for Innovation to progress health
PRESS RELEASE EFN (European Federation of Nursing) sign off Pact for Innovation Launched in the European Parliament by knowledge4innovation. The goal of the Pact for Innovation is to support and enhance a direct collaboration between stakeholders and policy makers. The signatories of the Pact share a common vision of a globally competitive Europe,supported by success of…
OECD 2015 Forum: Health and Innovation
The European Institute of Women’s Health was recently represented at the OECD 2015 Forum on “The Internet of Self: Health and Innovation,” by EIWH’s very own Peggy Maguire. The forum was held to discuss the OECD recent findings that those with the lowest levels of education at the age of 30 are expected to live…
FENS 2015 – 12th European Nutrition Conference
12th European Nutrition Conference The 12th European Nutrition Conference – FENS 2015 (Federation of European Nutrition Societies) will be on 20-23 Oct, 2015 Berlin, Germany. The conference will communicate up to date science to help Europeans keep a healthy lifestyle. EUFIC will chair the ‘Behaviour Change symposium – From science to implementation’ , Oct 21st.…
pl: Social Security Coordination Regulations in long-term care
Event FreSsco seminar (Poland): Seminar,Warsaw (Poland) 19 June 2015 Practical problems connected with the application of the Social Security Coordination Regulations in field of long-term care and posting The EC-funded FreSsco network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) is holding a seminar at Centrum Dialogu Społecznego „Dialog” Warszawa, ul. Limanowskiego 23 Warsaw (Poland) on 19 June…
eu: Endocrine disruptors, identification and related impacts
Event European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) Conference – “Endocrine disruptors: criteria for identification and related impacts”, 1 June 2015, Brussels The conference will inform Member States, Members of the European Parliament, third country representatives and stakeholders about the on-going impact assessment on criteria to identify endocrine disruptors and to provide a platform for further exchanges…
EIGE Gender Statistics Database – Violence
Online Discussion – EIGE Gender Statistics Database-Section on Violence 11/05/2015 Please note registrations end on 28/05/2015 If you are a registered member of EuroGender, click on 28 May on EuroGender Calendar and Join the event. If not, then click to register. European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) invites participation in online discussion “EIGE’s Gender Statistics…
Event ISCOMS 2015 International Student Congress of (bio) Medical Sciences 2-5th June 2015, Groningen, Netherlands. If you are conducting biomedical research and interested in presenting your work internationally or interested in learning about the latest biomedical research then you should come.ISCOMS is one of the world’s biggest (bio)medical student congresses and takes place annually in…
8th European Public Health Conference
Event 8th European Public Health Conference Wed., 14 – 17th Oct 2015, MiCo Milano Congressi, Milan, Italy Organized by the European Public Health Conference Foundation, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI). The event will contribute to improving public health in Europe by offering…