Improved breast cancer treatments

Breast cancer improvement – an updated quality standard England and Wales People diagnosed with a type of early breast cancer and at risk of the cancer spreading should be offered an Oncotype DX test. This test provides information about genetic makeup of the tumour to help predict its development. This information can be used to…

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Fruit discovery may provide new treatments

New treatments from Fruit A fruit discovery could provide new treatments for some chronic diseases and their pre conditions ie obesity, type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. • 2 compounds found in red grapes and oranges combined could treat diseases • Improved insulin resistance similar to bariatric surgery but achieved three times faster • More effective…

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New tests for pregnancy complication to avoid hospital admission

NHS England and Wales: Nice recommendations on new tests to rule out pregnancy  complication and avoid unnecessary hospital admission. In a final guidance, a recommendation for 2 blood tests to help rule-out pre-eclampsia, a potentially life threatening complication affecting as many as one in 16 pregnant women1.NICE recommends the Triage PlGF test (Alere) and the…

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More access to reports on adverse reactions on medicines in EU

EMA giving increased access to reports on suspected adverse reactions on medicines authorised in EU The EMA will give increased access to reports on suspected adverse reactions to medicines authorised in the European Union, while guaranteeing that personal data will be fully protected. This results from a revision of Eudra Vigilance Access policy adopted by…

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uk: Two eye treatments for serious diabetic eye conditions

Two eye treatments for serious diabetic eye condition – final draft guidance NICE recommended aflibercept solution for injection (Eylea, Bayer Pharma), and dexamethasone intravitreal(i) implant (Ozurdex, Allergan) as possible treatment options for some people with diabetic macular oedema, in two separate pieces of final draft guidance published (2 June). This oedema is a common complication…

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uk: Consultation on treatments for spinal arthritis

Consultation on draft guidance recommending treatments for types of arthritis that affecting spine NICE has today published draft guidance on adalimumab (Humira, AbbVie), etanercept (Enbrel, Pfizer), infliximab (Remicade, Merck Sharp & Dohme; Inflectra, Hospira; Remsima, Celltrion), certolizumab pegol (Cimzia, UCB Pharma) and golimumab (Simponi, Merck Sharp & Dohme) – known as TNF-alpha inhibitors – for…

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uk: Device avoids surgery for enlarged prostate

Plans to support device that avoids surgery for enlarged prostate glands. A new device to relieve urinary tract problems caused by enlarged prostate glands in men is the focus of NICE draft guidance that opens for consultation (Friday 29 May 2015). Views on its draft medical technology guidance – provisionally recommending  the UroLift system for treating…

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Codeine restriction with children under 12 years old

Codeine not to be used for coughs and colds in children under 12 The Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures – Human (CMDh)1 agreed by consensus new measures to minimise the risk of serious side effects, including breathing problems, with codeine-containing medicines when used for cough and cold in children. As a result…

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