Treatment recommendation for advanced skin cancer Advanced (unresectable or metastatic) melanoma. 18 Feb 2016 NICE final guidance recommending nivolumab as monotherapy for treating advanced skin cancer. Nivolumab called Opdivo, and manufactured by Bristol Myers Squibb is to be made available on the NHS as a treatment option for patients with advanced unresectable or metastatic melanoma.…
Advanced skin cancer guidance
Advanced skin cancer guidance Final draft guidance recommends nivolumab for advanced skin cancer The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) England, on Friday 22 January said yes to nivolumab as monotherapy for treating advanced skin cancer in final draft guidance. ….more
New common heart condition drug tested
PRESS RELEASE Innovative drug for common heart condition (England) NICE is provisionally recommending novel heart failure drug sacubitril valsartan (Novartis) as an option for some people with heart failure. This guidance recommends the drug for treating chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction[i] in people with New York Heart Association class II to III symptoms[ii]…

uk: Treat moderate to severely active ulcerative colitis
Treatment recommendation: To treat moderate to severely active ulcerative colitis a final guidance was published recommending vedolizumab (Entyvio, Takeda) Vedolizumab provides a further treatment option when conventional therapy or TNF-alpha inhibitors either don’t work well, has stopped working or can’t be tolerated. Vedolizumab is recommended on basis it is provided to the NHS at a…
uk: Two eye treatments for serious diabetic eye conditions
Two eye treatments for serious diabetic eye condition – final draft guidance NICE recommended aflibercept solution for injection (Eylea, Bayer Pharma), and dexamethasone intravitreal(i) implant (Ozurdex, Allergan) as possible treatment options for some people with diabetic macular oedema, in two separate pieces of final draft guidance published (2 June). This oedema is a common complication…
Preventing blood clots after a heart attack
Preventing blood clots in people who’ve had heart attack Final guidance: NICE, England recommends rivaroxaban (Xarelto, Bayer Healthcare), in combination with clopidogrel and aspirin, or with aspirin alone, as option preventing blood clots in people after having an acute coronary syndrome. An acute coronary syndrome occurs when one or more of the blood vessels in…
uk: Recommendation for knee cartilage treatment
Research recommendation for knee cartilage treatment NICE has opened a public consultation on draft guidance on a procedure which aims to repair defects in knee cartilage. This procedure is autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI) and recommends that this is used only in research, as more evidence is needed on how it works in longer term and…
uk: People more involved in decisions about the medicines
PRESS RELEASE People should be more involved in decisions about their medicines to ensure best outcomes from them. New guideline on medicine optimisation published today outlines that having people at the centre of decisions about their care may enable them to use their prescribed medicines safely and effectively so getting the best possible outcomes from…
uk: Ensuring best care for older people living at home
Ensuring best care for older people living at home Draft guideline to help home care services provide highest level of supports to older people living at home. In 2011, 1 in 6 people in England and Wales were aged 65 or over. and expected to grow to about 1 in 4 by 2035. UK society…
UK: Treatment guides for treating kidney and prostate cancer
Final guidance on use of axitinib for treating kidney cancer and sipuleucel-T for prostate cancer. Guidance issued to the NHS today, recommends that the drug axitinib, known as Inlyta by Pfizer, should be available as a second line treatment for kidney cancer. A separate new guide did not recommended sipuleucel-T, known as Provenge, for treating…