Ber Oomen

European Specialist Nurses Organisations

From 2005 he started to participated in meetings of the European Specialist Nurses Organisations and transformed this into a European association today based in Brussels.

He is responsible for the overall management, being proactive in expanding the network, advocating the role and position of the specialist nurse related to health European issues in the perused of recognition under the EU directive of professional qualification. He is active in a variety of health programs: Expert group health workforce of DG Sante, member of the European Policy Platform, Expert EMA health professional working party, Biosimilar Medicine Working Party, participate in focus group in OECD on Skills mismatches.

In addition he is also a strong promoter of Continuing Professional Development and Life Long Learning during nursing lifespan career, has a passion for creative thinking, generate opportunities, interconnect chances for others and loves outdoors activities in nature.

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