Discrimination Against Women and Young Girls in the Health
Women’s Rights and Gender Equality, April 2007 (PE 378.295)
Report of a study by the European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH).
As a result of a tender, with the Directorate-General Internal Policies, Policy Department C, Citizens Rights and Constitutional Affairs, we, the EIWH were commissioned to prepare a report for the European Parliament.
The EU Parliamentary Report – a study about: Discrimination Against Women and Young Girls in the Health Sector. The full report is available in English and French and can be downloaded here:
English | French
As part of the preparation for this study, in August 2006 a survey was sent by the European Institute of Women’s Health to a series of expert advisors in eight European countries requesting information for a report to the European Parliament on the topic of “Discrimination Against Women and Girls in the Health Sector”.
The questions asked were as follows:
1. How would you describe the state of women’s health in your country?
2. Are there any specific health policies for women?
3. Are health policies that are supposed to affect both women and men, designed differently for men and women?
4. Choose three issues from the list and describe how they apply to women in your country:
Sexually transmitted infections
Drug abuse
Reproductive health
Eating disorders
5. Are there any healthcare policies specifically for young girls?
6. Have you an example of ‘best practice’ in women’s health in your country?
7. Can you tell us anything more about how gender influences patterns of health in your country?
As specified in the tender, the countries for this study were Belgium, Bulgaria Germany, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Sweden and the United Kingdom. A short summary for each of these countries followed by the information received from each country expert can be viewed or downloaded from the following: