Responding to new psychoactive substance use (NPS)

Health responses to NPS In a new (30 p.) report, the EMCDDA reviews the available health and drug related interventions in the area of new psychoactive substance use and harm across Europe. …..more and EMCDDA–Europol Joint Report on acetylfentanyl A 21 page report produced under Article 5 of Council Decision 2005/387/JHA, the organisations point out…

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Gender dimension, trafficking human beings

Gender dimension of trafficking in people This study contributes to the identification and understanding of what is  meant by: ‘taking into account the gender perspective, to strengthen the prevention of this crime and protection of the victims thereof’, as required in Article 1 of European Union (EU  Directive 2011/36/EU on Preventing and Combating Trafficking in…

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Letter to FEMM Committee – Women and Homelessness

This communication has been sent to all  Femm Committee members today. To members of FEMM Committee, European Parliament. The European Parliament has recently launched a written declaration calling for a renewed focus on reducing homelessness through a specific EU action plan. This opportunity would ensure that the needs of vulnerable women experiencing homelessness are incorporated…

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Best practices and possible pitfalls for public health sector

Opinion on Best practice and potential pitfalls in public health sector commissioning from private providers This aims to contribute to improved policy making on how to commission healthcare from private providers within the EU. Commissioning from private healthcare providers is a policy option that needs careful consideration. If used, a precise definition on what is…

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Typology of health policy reforms

Health policy reform typology The Opinion on Typology of health policy reforms and framework for evaluating reform effects seeks to guide policy evaluation and design in Member States so national health reforms lead to the desired goals for health systems. The report stresses further reforms are needed to ensure greater effectiveness and efficiency of Europe’s…

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Access to Health Services in the European Union

Access to Health Services in the EU An opinion Opinion on Access to Health Services in the European Union identifies policy responses to improve access to health services both at national and EU level. The Opinion emphasises that ensuring equitable access to health services is a multi-dimensional challenge, with no quick fixes. It requires commitment…

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Qualified to provide advice on effective ways on investing in health?

Qualified to provide advice on effective ways on investing in health ? Apply for membership of independent expert panel! Call for expression of interest now open! The European Commission seeks experts, from a wide range of disciplines, to join an independent expert panel,  on effective ways of investing in health, established in 2012. This panel…

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