Open letter to EU Commission – Health Policy and Programmes To: Jean-Claude Juncker, President, European Commission cc: Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President, European Commission, Vytenis Andruikaitis, Commissioner, DG Health & Food Safety, Günther Oettinger, Commissioner, DG Budget & Human Resources, Carlos Moedas, Commissioner, Research, Science & Innovation EU Health Collaboration is crucial for Europe’s future Dear…
World No Tobacco Day – WHO Award for Ireland
World No Tobacco Day – WHO Award for the Department of Health, Ireland The World Health Organisation has awarded the Department of Health a 2017 World No Tobacco Day Award for its achievements in the area of tobacco control. Ireland is a world leader in tobacco control, and the team at the Department of Health…
Future of Healthcare in Ireland – Report
Final report of the cross-party Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare. Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD acknowledged the conclusion and publication of the final report of the cross-party Oireachtas Committee on the Future of Healthcare. The establishment of the cross-party Committee in June 2016 was one of the first actions arising from the…
12 steps to reduce your cancer risk
Press release European Week Against Cancer Start today by taking twelve steps to reduce your cancer risk! During the European Week against Cancer, which takes place every year at the end of May, it is time to remind us all that many cancers can be prevented by following the recommendations set out in the European…
Upcoming conferences
Health Products Regulatory Authority, Conference on Nightlife and substance use You might be interested in some of the following conferences which take place in the coming months. HPRA 3Rs Conference 17 May 2017 Are you using animals in your research? The HPRA, HRB and SFI are co hosting a conference about the 3R framework (Replacement,…
Single injection ‘could repair damaged hearts’ after world-first trial
Professor Noel Caplice, University College Cork, has shown in a trial, the first example of how a low dose insulin-like growth factor, injected into the heart to repair damage to the muscle, improves remodeling for heart attack patients. Around 20% of people who suffer heart attacks have severe ongoing difficulties due to lasting damage to…
Measles Outbreak in Romania – a Wake-up Call for Europe
Press release Measles Outbreak in Romania – a Wake-up Call for Europe 11 May 2017 – Currently Romania is experiencing the largest measles outbreak in the European Union with 4.800 measles cases and 24 deaths as of 30 April 2017. This should be a wake up call for all European countries. The European Institute of…
International Nurses’ Day – don’t downgrade nurses
EFN urges governments to not downgrade nurses and risking citizens’ lives to save money! 12th May, Florence Nightingale’s birthday celebrated for International Nurses’ Day, Nurses are the largest occupational group in the health sector, but can nursing in the EU celebrate today? Although the Council conclusions on Innovation for the benefit of patients (2014) recognised…
Report shows potential of ehealth to increase vaccination coverage
21 EU/EEA countries are expected to use ehealth technologies with built in supports such as automated reminders, a potential to automatically generate lists that identify under vaccinated populations and determine which vaccines are due or overdue, then generate reminders for providers and vaccine recipients. E.g., automated reminders have been used to generate of lists identifying…
More jobs for girls!
The European Commission is inviting companies and organisations to organise activities to equip more women and girls with digital skills and enthuse them to pursue ICT studies and careers. Andrus Ansip, Vice-President for the Digital Single Market said: “Technology desperately lacks gender balance on all domains – STEM education, digital jobs, decision making and tech business.…