EIWH Podcasts


🎙️Women’s Health Podcast Series🎙️


Our new Women’s Health Podcast Series discusses women’s health issues with patient organisations, policymakers, researchers, healthcare professionals and patients. As the European Institute of Women’s Health advocates for gender equity in health research and policy, we will use this podcast to contextualise and explain topical women’s health issues. We translate research and policy into language that is accessible and make recommendations to further gender equity in these areas.



Ep 1: Anita Fincham, Fertility Europe

In our first episode, Anita Fincham, Fertility Europe talks to Aoibhinn Collery, EIWH about gender and fertility/infertility as part of European Fertility Week. Anita Fincham is Advocacy and Project Manager at Fertility Europe and deputy-chair in the Polish Infertility Patients’ Association Nasz Bocian (Our Stork). She is a patient advocate and infertility expert by experience. Anita is an IVF mum of 2 teenage boys. She’s been active in the field of education and advocacy in infertility for nearly 15 years. Her degree is in oriental languages and in nutrition, also in fertility diet. She likes reading, cooking, yoga and walking.



✨Series of Snapshots📸


This podcast series is part of the CBIG Screen project. It is hosted by Vanessa Moore, Senior Researcher at the European Institute of Women’s Health.


Marc Bardou

INSERM and Scientific lead of CBIG-SCREEN

CBIG Screen and Cervical Cancer



Rikke Buus Boje

Postdoc at the University Research Clinic for Cancer Screening, Regionshospitalet Randers, Denmark

Collaborative User Boards


Raya Michaylova

Researcher at the Health Psychology Research Centre in Bulgaria

Stakeholder Engagement



Keitly Mensah

Early Career Scientist and Postdoc at International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and a Medical Doctor

Collaborative User Boards


John Ryan

Acting Deputy Director-General for Health and Director for Public Health, DG Sante, European Commission

Role of projects like CBIG Screen in improving public health


Isabel Mosquera

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), World Health Organization, France




Caroline Mason Mohan

Director of Public Health, National Screening Service, Health Service Executive, Ireland

Cervical Cancer Screening


Camilla Fiorina

Project Manager, Hospinnomics, France

CBIG Screen



Irina Todorova

Founding Director Health Psychology Research Centre, Sofia, Bulgaria and an Honorary Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society

Collaborative User Boards and Bulgarian context


Rachel Greenley

Research Fellow at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Cervical Cancer



Rosa Legood

Associate Professor of Health Economics in the Health Services Research Department at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Health Economics in CBIG Screen


Mary Brigid Collins

Coordinator of the Primary Care Project in Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre, Ireland

Health Inequalities and Traveller Health



Stay tuned for updates!📢