Meeting Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will be in Brussels, 30-31 January 2017. They will vote inter alia on a recommendation for second reading on official controls in the food chain, a report on EU options for improving access to medicines, a motion for a resolution following an oral question on…

Qualified to provide advice on effective ways on investing in health?
Qualified to provide advice on effective ways on investing in health ? Apply for membership of independent expert panel! Call for expression of interest now open! The European Commission seeks experts, from a wide range of disciplines, to join an independent expert panel, on effective ways of investing in health, established in 2012. This panel…
WHO and industry: agreements in case of pandemics
WHO and industry: agreements in case of pandemics One main source of distrust towards public health authorities is a suspicion of hidden connections with the pharmaceutical industry, but, in case of a severe pandemic, an adequate supply of antivirals and vaccines is essential. ASSET asked Norman Begg, GSK Vice President, Head of Scientific Affairs and…
Facial hair may tackle antibiotic resistance
Nature gives men bacteria fighting beards so improves their antibiotic resistance! Facial hair could be a key to developing new antibiotics, claims a team led by Dr. Adam Roberts, microbiologist at University College London (UCL) in the UK, They have spent recent years attempting to uncover new medicines that overcome drug resistance, a major public…