Health boards to reduce cancer waiting times Health boards share over £4 million to reduce cancer waiting times after performance target drop and will help improve on diagnostic wait across country and provide local support. In the first quarter of 2015, 91.8 per cent of patients urgently referred with suspicion of cancer began treatment within…
European Gender Medicine Project Final Conference
PRESS RELEASE European Gender Medicine Project hosts final conference in Brussels 30 June 2015, In a one day final conference hosted by the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union, the European Gender Medicine Project (EUGenMed) partners met with over eighty experts and stakeholders to discuss the future of Gender…
Recognise and resist sexual aggression
An intensive program for female college students on recognising and resisting sexual aggression reduced the chances of being raped over a year period by nearly half, according to new research. A study in the New England Journal of Medicine, compared effects of attending a four-session course in resisting sexual assault to a more typical university…

ie: Register children under 6 for Free GP Care
Minister’s Varadkar & Lynch have launched the registration system for Free GP Care. Free GP Care for Children Under 6 is now available Online Registration is Now Open at for both details and registration of children under 6 For further detail visit …more or Lo Call 1890 252 919
uk: Quality standards supporting care for conditions
Quality standards supporting care for conditions. Prostate cancer Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, with 35,567 diagnosed in England in 2011. It is more common in men aged over 65 and as the population ages, more cases are expected to occur. NICE published a quality standard to help the NHS provide high…
EGA conference – session 4, Health Equality, sustainable access to medicines
EGA conference: session 4, Health Equality, sustainable access to medicines Presentation by Peggy Maguire in her role as President, EPHA. Presentation outline:Background info re: EPHA & health inequalities Challenges and opportunities for narrowing health inequalities in Europe Changing healthcare environments Economic crisis & austerity Health literacy & patient empowerment Sex and gender in medications Investing…
Have lemons, then do not make lemonade!
At least don’t buy lemonade, cola, pop or soft drinks In Scotland, doctors have called for a tax on sugary drinks to tackle a spiralling obesity crisis. Mexico, Finland and Latvia, have applied a levy to great effect in their countries delegates to the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) conference in Edinburgh. Such…

uk: Treat moderate to severely active ulcerative colitis
Treatment recommendation: To treat moderate to severely active ulcerative colitis a final guidance was published recommending vedolizumab (Entyvio, Takeda) Vedolizumab provides a further treatment option when conventional therapy or TNF-alpha inhibitors either don’t work well, has stopped working or can’t be tolerated. Vedolizumab is recommended on basis it is provided to the NHS at a…
Ngos Resign from Health Forum
PRESS RELEASE European Public Health Alliance – working Towards Better Health For All. Ngos resign from health forum as Commission ignores member state and European Parliament calls for alcohol strategy. Public Health NGOs have today resigned from the EU Alcohol and Health Forum, after Commissioner Andriukaitis said he has no plans to establish a new…

Codeine restriction with children under 12 years old
Codeine not to be used for coughs and colds in children under 12 The Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures – Human (CMDh)1 agreed by consensus new measures to minimise the risk of serious side effects, including breathing problems, with codeine-containing medicines when used for cough and cold in children. As a result…