Initial Announcement Right from the Start Right from the Start: Promoting a Life-Course Approach to Gender Equity in Health European Institute of Women’s Health 21st Anniversary Expert Conference European Economic and Social Committee Brussels, Belgium 4-5th December 2017 Details following this week.
Woman and e-Health Presentation to EPC
Woman and e-Health Presentation for the future of Health Information (by Kristin Semanick) Presentation at the European Policy Centre, Brussels, Belgium. PresentationEPC.pdf
HRB seeks public input on research proposals
The Health Research Board, Dublin, Ireland is inviting members of the public to review aspects of the health research proposals they receive. According to Dr Siobhán Hendrick, who is implementing this pilot project, ‘Almost everyone* can take part in this public review process. You do not need previous experience or qualifications. You may be a…
Workshop: Healthy and Secure People, HSP 2017, Porto, Portugal, Apr.28-29, 2017
HSP is an inter-disciplinary research area focused on using scientific models, methodologies and technologies for enhancing human quality of life. In the next seven years 25% of EU citizens will be over the age of 60 and will require to understand health, well being, disease prevention, diagnosing disease,treating and managing disease; active ageing and self-management…
Meeting of OECD Health Ministers, Paris, January 2017
OECD Health Ministerial Meeting, Paris Meeting of OECD Health Ministers 17th January Ministers from over 35 OECD and partner countries met to exchange ideas, ambitions and challenges for The Next Generation of Health Reforms. They addressed issues including: How to tackle ineffective health spending and waste How to make the most of new health technologies…
Women and Homelessness: A Health Overview
Women and Homelessness: A Health Overview Peggy Maguire and Kristin Semancik European Institute of Women’s Health Women and their children are the fastest growing group within the homeless community. Yet, there is a lack of information on and understanding of homeless women and families, particularly about their health status and healthcare needs, facing many health…
First Lancet transgender health series
Lancet publishes first transgender health series. Transgender people live everywhere but their acceptance in communities and their freedom to live with their chosen gender identity or expression varies according to culture and society. The series led by Sam Winter of Curtin University and Kevin Wylie of the University of Sheffield, is a result of a…
Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing challenge
Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing challenge Stakeholder consultation on H2020 Work Programme 2018-2020 In preparation of the next H2020 Work Programme Societal Challenge 1 (SC1 – Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing), the European commission (DG CONNECT) is consulting with the SC1 Programme Committee, the SC1 National Contact Points and stakeholders. The National Contact Points together…
EU Scientific Panel for Health (SPH)
EU Scientific Panel for Health (SPH) Value of health and biomedical research Improved health and wellbeing of the people is the ultimate research goal. This societal aspect is an important and traditional characteristic of European1 research and its emphasis and orientation toward humanitarian goals and solidarity. Health also contributes to economic prosperity. Research underpins every…

Global healthcare subject to security intrusion and data theft.
Global healthcare is securty and data risk. Global healthcare sector experienced more than three times the number of security incidents than an average industry and twice as likely to encounter data theft. The Raytheon|Websense Security Labs 2015 Healthcare Drill-Down said that the healthcare sector experienced 340% more information security incidents and attacks than other industries…