EU:Commission to fight poverty and help most vulnerable

Commission commits €3.8 billion to fight poverty in Europe The Commission finalised the process of adoption of all national Operational Programmes implementing funding for European Aid worth 3.8 billion euro in non-financial assistance to those most in need. FEAD gives Member States valuable support in efforts to help Europe’s most vulnerable,those worst affected by the…

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Expert Workshops: Sex and Gender in Medicine Regulation, Medical Education

EVENT Expert Workshops on Sex and Gender in Medicines Regulation and Medical Education 4th March 2015, 0900-1730. Room TRE7701, 7th floor, Trèves Building, 74 Rue de Trèves. European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels Research addressing Sex and Gender (S&G) in biomedical science and health research is a novel and highly promising field. The interaction of…

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UK: Treatment guides for treating kidney and prostate cancer

Final guidance on use of axitinib for treating kidney cancer and sipuleucel-T for prostate cancer. Guidance issued to the NHS today, recommends that the drug axitinib, known as Inlyta by Pfizer, should be available as a second line treatment for kidney cancer. A separate new guide did not recommended sipuleucel-T, known as Provenge, for treating…

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Europe: Sexually transmitted infections 2014 report

Sexually transmitted infections, including HIV and blood-borne viruses Annual report with overview of the epidemiology of diseases based on 2012 data: Chlamydia Chlamydia is the most frequently reported sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the European Union and European Economic Area (EU/EEA). In 2012, 384 105 cases of chlamydia were reported in 25 EU/EEA Member States.…

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Association of exposure to pesticides and health outcomes

Association between exposure to pesticides and health outcomes 2006 – 2012 In 2013, EFSA published a report on a systematic review of studies published between 2006 and 2012 which showed a statistically significant association between exposure to pesticides and health outcomes such as liver cancer, breast cancer, type II diabetes, childhood leukaemia and Parkinson’s disease.…

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Improving patient safety: fighting antimicrobial resistance

Safer healthcare in Europe: improving patient safety and fighting antimicrobial resistance Consideration of draft report Council Recommendation of 9 June 2009 (2009/C 151/01) on patient safety, including the prevention and control of healthcare associated infections called for the implementation of a series of measures to improve patient safety in the EU. The Commission published in…

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IE: Public consultation on easier access to ‘rescue’ drugs

Ireland: Public consultation on easier access to ‘rescue’ drugs in emergencies Varadkar:  public consultation on easier access to ‘rescue’ drugs in emergencies To  include epipens, Adrenaline, salbutamol, glucagon, naloxone and glyceryl trinitrate Minister for Health Leo Varadkar has launched a consultation process on whether to make a number of prescription-only medicines used in emergency situations…

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UK: Dexamethasone treatment for diabetic eye condition

Dexamethasone treatment of common diabetic eye condition. NICE is recommending dexamethasone (Ozurdex, Allergan) intravitreal(1) implant, for the treatment of diabetic macular oedema (DMO) in preliminary recommendations published 20/02/ 2015. The draft guidance recommends dexamethasone as a treatment option in people only where:  the implant is to be used in an eye with an intraocular (pseudophakic)(2)…

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