ENVI Committee meeting held, Brussels, 23 Feb. 2016. Members voted on two questions Zika virus Mandatory indication of the country of origin or place of provenance for certain foods. Opinions on implementing Energy efficiency Directive will be considered. Ms Andrea Ammon, Acting Director ECDC presented her agency’s annual exchange of views with Members The EU…
Secure health information needed!
S-health is the obvious patient priority It’s not M-health or E-health but very S-ecure health that is needed!! Healthcare and government are a higher target than the retail sector for most targetted for data breaches, according to Gemalto. security firm 1,673 data breaches meant that 707 million data records were compromised worldwide during 2015, according…
Treatment recommendation: advanced skin cancer
Treatment recommendation for advanced skin cancer Advanced (unresectable or metastatic) melanoma. 18 Feb 2016 NICE final guidance recommending nivolumab as monotherapy for treating advanced skin cancer. Nivolumab called Opdivo, and manufactured by Bristol Myers Squibb is to be made available on the NHS as a treatment option for patients with advanced unresectable or metastatic melanoma.…
Ireland: €5.7 m for health research leaders
HRB invests €5.7 million in research leaders in health The Health Research Board. Ireland has appointed four new Research Leaders in the areas of suicide prevention, safe prescribing, dementia care and team leadership in the health services. The awards should build capacity in areas of strategic importance for health delivery in Ireland. and ensure senior…
Pay attention to pain
Its womens no.1 Killer So paying attention to pain could save your life. Heart disease is the number one killer of women, yet the American Heart Association says sonly one in five American women believes heart disease is her greatest health threat. The commonest heart attack symptom in men and women is chest pain or…
Ireland: Updated online cancer incidence
NCR releases updated online cancer incidence National Cancer Registry’s updated cancer incidence system now includes data from 1994 up to and including 2013. This online cancer incidence allows users to generate customised charts and tabulations by sex and year, by county and region, and age. These can be exported. Childhood cancer statistics are currently available…
Barley may increase hormones so regulating metabolism and appetite
Barley ‘increased gut hormones that regulate metabolism and appetite’ Researchers claim that the positive health effects occur when the dietary fibers in the barley kernel reach the gut, then they increase good bacteria and instigate the release of specific hormones. “After eating the bread made out of barley kernel, we saw an increase in gut…
Facial hair may tackle antibiotic resistance
Nature gives men bacteria fighting beards so improves their antibiotic resistance! Facial hair could be a key to developing new antibiotics, claims a team led by Dr. Adam Roberts, microbiologist at University College London (UCL) in the UK, They have spent recent years attempting to uncover new medicines that overcome drug resistance, a major public…
Adverse events in Irish hospitals
Adverse events in Irish hospitals Research shows 1 in 8 patients admitted to hospital in 2009 experienced adverse events. This is the first time such research has been carried out in Ireland and the figures are broadly consistent with baseline studies conducted in other countries. Adverse events are unintended injuries or complications resulting from healthcare…
7th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health, Dublin, Ireland
EVENT 7th World Congress on Women’s Mental Health 6-9 March 2017, Dublin, Ireland The theme of the congress will be Rights, Resilience and Recovery. We are planning a ground breaking, engaging and rewarding Congress and look forward to your participation. …more Call for Abstracts 8 March 2016