EGA conference: session 4, Health Equality, sustainable access to medicines Presentation by Peggy Maguire in her role as President, EPHA. Presentation outline:Background info re: EPHA & health inequalities Challenges and opportunities for narrowing health inequalities in Europe Changing healthcare environments Economic crisis & austerity Health literacy & patient empowerment Sex and gender in medications Investing…
Commission discusses ways to strengthen EU social policy
The Commission has held an orientation debate to discuss how EU policy can best address social and employment challenges in Europe. President Juncker’s political guidelines already underline the need for social fairness and aim to reinforce principles of a European Social Market Economy. The outcome of today’s debate will feed into the Commission’s work programme…
pl: Social Security Coordination Regulations in long-term care
Event FreSsco seminar (Poland): Seminar,Warsaw (Poland) 19 June 2015 Practical problems connected with the application of the Social Security Coordination Regulations in field of long-term care and posting The EC-funded FreSsco network (Free Movement and Social Security Coordination) is holding a seminar at Centrum Dialogu Społecznego „Dialog” Warszawa, ul. Limanowskiego 23 Warsaw (Poland) on 19 June…
Uk: Cancer kills more men than other diseases
Cancer kills more men than other diseases in UK Now primary cause of death since 1960 Male deaths from cancer 29% Male cardiovascular disease 28% Heart disease remains most common cause of death amongst women. Cancer has now overtaken heart disease as the biggest killer of British men, research says, but heart disease is still…
Critique of EU Parliament and EU NO Tobacco Lobby
Were tobacco lobby and EU Parliament premature? Premature celebrations from EU No Tobacco lobby damaging to citizen’s health? Have EU anti tobacco lobby been premature in claims of victory over tobacco? Encouraging and so helping ensure people stop smoking is a major key to reducing the EU’s burden of chronic diseases. While the percentage of…
ie: 2013 figures National Drug Treatment Report
2013 figures – National Drug Treatment Reporting Treated problem alcohol use in Ireland Paper presenting figures from National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS) on treated problem alcohol use in Ireland, for the period 2009 to 2013. … Download Full PDF (715 Kb)
Patient centred community care – a reality?
Make patient centred community care a reality How we develop sustainable patient centric community care policies and still meet the demands of key stakeholders was a key question at the heart of the discussions at Health First conference on ‘Making Patient-centred community care a Reality’. In collaboration with the Latvian Presidency of the EU, the…
Have lemons, then do not make lemonade!
At least don’t buy lemonade, cola, pop or soft drinks In Scotland, doctors have called for a tax on sugary drinks to tackle a spiralling obesity crisis. Mexico, Finland and Latvia, have applied a levy to great effect in their countries delegates to the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) conference in Edinburgh. Such…
uk: Treat moderate to severely active ulcerative colitis
Treatment recommendation: To treat moderate to severely active ulcerative colitis a final guidance was published recommending vedolizumab (Entyvio, Takeda) Vedolizumab provides a further treatment option when conventional therapy or TNF-alpha inhibitors either don’t work well, has stopped working or can’t be tolerated. Vedolizumab is recommended on basis it is provided to the NHS at a…
Ngos Resign from Health Forum
PRESS RELEASE European Public Health Alliance – working Towards Better Health For All. Ngos resign from health forum as Commission ignores member state and European Parliament calls for alcohol strategy. Public Health NGOs have today resigned from the EU Alcohol and Health Forum, after Commissioner Andriukaitis said he has no plans to establish a new…