PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release EU Directive on the Work-Life Balance for Parents and Carers The European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) celebrates the adoption of the Proposal for the EU Directive on the Work-Life Balance for Parents and Carers and calls on Member States to enact, enforce and monitor the provisions in this critical…
ConcePTION – use of medication in pregnancy
ConcePTION – use of medication during pregnancy and lactation ConcePTION is a large Horizon 2020 programme, bringing partners from all over Europe together to focus on the uses of medication during pregnancy and lactation. The European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) are a partner in this project. ConcePTION aims to reduce uncertainty around the safety…
Cooperation with EU Institutions and Agencies
European Medicines Agency (EMA) The EIWH is a member of the Patient and Consumer Working Party of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This group provides recommendations to EMA human scientific committees on all matters of interest to patients in relation to medicinal products. The European Medicines Agency is the European Union (EU) body responsible for…
Press release – In celebration of World Health Day 2019
Press Release For Immediate Release On World Health Day on the 7th of April In celebration of World Health Day 2019, the EU-funded MyHealth Project supports this year’s theme “universal health coverage” by mapping migrant healthcare rights. 7th of April 2019— Since 1950, the World Health Organization (WHO) celebrates Word Health Day each year to…
Press Release – celebration of International Women’s Day 2019
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release In celebration of International Women’s Day 2019, the European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) calls on stakeholders to implement its “EU Manifesto for Women’s Health” in order to ensure a #BalanceforBetter in Europe 8th of March 2019— Since 2014, International Women’s Day (IWD) has been held on the 8th of…
Agenda: Addressing the disproportionate burden of dementia on women
Women and Dementia in Europe Addressing the disproportionate burden of dementia on women 22 January 2019, 10:00-12:00 Room A3F383, European Parliament – Brussels Introduction and welcome Sirpa Pietikäinen, Member of the European Parliament The view from the European Commission Stéphane Hogan, European Commission, DG Research Women and Dementia in Europe: addressing the disproportionate burden of…
Press Release: EIWH Position Paper on Women and Dementia
Press Release: EIWH Position Paper on Women and Dementia The launch of the European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) Position Paper on Women and Dementia: Addressing the disproportionate burden of dementia on women will take place on 22 January 2019, in the European Parliament, in Brussels. The meeting will be chaired by Ms. Sirpa Pietikainen…
Launch: EIWH Position Paper on Women and Dementia
The launch of the European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) Position Paper on Women and Dementia : Addressing the disproportionate burden of dementia on women will take place on 22 January 2019, in the European Parliament, in Brussels. The meeting will be chaired by Ms. Sirpa Pietikainen MEP. The EIWH Women and Alzheimer Advisory Council…
Women and Dementia in Europe position paper launch – Press release
Press release – for immediate release: Women and Dementia in Europe position paper launches: Addressing the Disproportionate Burden of Dementia on Women by the European Institute of Women’s Health Launches today, Brussels, Belgium. This document is being launched by the European Commissioner for Food and Health Safety, Vytemis Andriukaitis who has said: “I hope your…
Women and Incontinence in the EU policy brief launched.
PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release 29th November 2018—The European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) officially launches the next policy brief in its series, “Women and Incontinence in the EU,” in order to highlight this widespread, disabling and debilitating condition. Urinary incontinence (UI) is a widespread disabling and debilitating condition affecting 10% to 20% of…