Meeting Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety will be in Brussels, 30-31 January 2017. They will vote inter alia on a recommendation for second reading on official controls in the food chain, a report on EU options for improving access to medicines, a motion for a resolution following an oral question on…

Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health
Event 3rd International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health April 28 – 29, 2017 Porto, Portugal. Call for submissions ICT4AWE is organized in 4 major tracks: Ambient Assisted Living Telemedicine and e-Health Monitoring, Accessibility and HCI Independent Living More……

US -Ireland R&D Partnership Programme
US – Ireland R&D Partnership Programme Summary: The guidelines for this call were updated in January 2017 following a review in conjunction with SFI and the Health & Social Care R&D Division in Northern Ireland. The scheme will now cover the entire NIH remit, and the Health Research Board will co-fund the Republic of Ireland…
NeuWalk: creates hope for paraplegic patients
NeuWalk Research Project: new hope for paraplegic patients Neuwalk, an EU funded research project, has results that bring new hope to people with severe spinal cord injuries. Non-human primates can regain control of their paralyzed leg – as early as six days after spinal cord injury – thanks to neuroprosthetic interfaces that acts as a…
Women and Homelessness: A Health Overview
Women and Homelessness: A Health Overview Peggy Maguire and Kristin Semancik European Institute of Women’s Health Women and their children are the fastest growing group within the homeless community. Yet, there is a lack of information on and understanding of homeless women and families, particularly about their health status and healthcare needs, facing many health…
Enterprising Women in Tech – showcasing best practices
EVENT Enterprising Women in Tech – showcasing best practices Celebrating Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2016, WeHubs is organising Enterprising Women in Tech, Brussels, next Thurs 17th. Nov 2016 Join and learn how to be part of a network with: 300 Women Web Entrepreneurs (WWEs) 90 Business Support Organisations (BSOs) 30 Women Associations 15 mentorsMore than 9…
1st Congress – Coordination and Management of EU funded Health Research Projects
1st Congress, Coordinating and Managing EU Health Research Projects. This Congress will be held on November 8th, 2016; at the “Fundación para la Investigatión del Hospital Clínico de la Comunidad Valenciana” Valencia. It’ s part of the activities of the European Health Projects Office – Valencia Region ( Its mission is to promote international initiatives…
Conference:Counterfactual Methods for Policy Impact Evaluation (COMPIE 2016)
Events 20/10 – 21/10/2016 Conference – Counterfactual Methods for Policy Impact Evaluation ( COMPIE 2016) The European Commission, in collaboration with Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, is organising the Counterfactual Methods for Policy Impact Evaluation 2016 (COMPIE 2016) conference on 20 and 21 October 2016. It brings together policy makers and researchers to…
Alcohol in Ireland and Getting the Measure of It
Drugs Strategy Launch of National Drugs Strategy Consultation Minister of State for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy, Catherine Byrne TD, has announced details of a public consultation on the new National Drugs Strategy. The strategy will set out Government policy on tackling drug problems from 2017 onwards. Minister Byrne said: “The development of the…
Best practices and possible pitfalls for public health sector
Opinion on Best practice and potential pitfalls in public health sector commissioning from private providers This aims to contribute to improved policy making on how to commission healthcare from private providers within the EU. Commissioning from private healthcare providers is a policy option that needs careful consideration. If used, a precise definition on what is…