Review of valproate use in pregnancy and women of childbearing age EMA to consider risks of these medicines require further restrictions of use The European Medicines Agency (EMA) has started a review looking at the use of valproate containing medicines in the treatment of women and girls who are pregnant or of childbearing age. These…

Best models of palliative care announced
Research into best models of palliative care announced Two new projects will look at how to best organise and deliver healthcare services in palliative care and epilepsy. …more

Epilepsy Ireland call for funding proposals
MRCG/HRB Joint Funding Scheme 2016 Epilepsy Ireland recently launched a call for proposals. See Epilepsy Ireland website Epilepsy Ireland encourages proposals for all research including basic, clinical, psychosocial and health services research. Proposals covering one or more of the following research areas are welcome in this funding round: Development of improved diagnosis, treatments or support…