European Medicines Agency (EMA) The EIWH is a member of the Patient and Consumer Working Party of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). This group provides recommendations to EMA human scientific committees on all matters of interest to patients in relation to medicinal products. The European Medicines Agency is the European Union (EU) body responsible for…
Rare diseases:
Rare diseases: improving access, care and diagnosis People with a rare diseases face challenges as such diseases can take time to be diagnosed. Patients can go through years of testing and mis diagnosis before seeing a specialist who knows what care they require. About 5% of rare diseases have therapies with few cures, at best…
Open letter to EU Commission about Health Policy and programmes
Open letter to EU Commission – Health Policy and Programmes To: Jean-Claude Juncker, President, European Commission cc: Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President, European Commission, Vytenis Andruikaitis, Commissioner, DG Health & Food Safety, Günther Oettinger, Commissioner, DG Budget & Human Resources, Carlos Moedas, Commissioner, Research, Science & Innovation EU Health Collaboration is crucial for Europe’s future Dear…
Report shows potential of ehealth to increase vaccination coverage
21 EU/EEA countries are expected to use ehealth technologies with built in supports such as automated reminders, a potential to automatically generate lists that identify under vaccinated populations and determine which vaccines are due or overdue, then generate reminders for providers and vaccine recipients. E.g., automated reminders have been used to generate of lists identifying…
Home Care – what other countries do?
Looking at regulation and financing in four European countries. The HRB evidence review examined Approaches to the regulation and financing of formal home care services in four European countries. These were Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Scotland. The report describes and compares published information on formal home care with respect to: Legislation. National standards. Staff and…
What can sugar tax do for health?
Taxing bad habits! or Avoiding bad habits and reducing other taxes for citizens? Regardless of the main policy driver for this, we really need to introduce appropriate measures to regulate the food industry, starting with managing our inability to control our intake of sugar or whatever the food industry is currently using as a substitute.…
Celebrating World COPD Day 2015
PRESS RELEASE – For Immediate Release Celebrating World COPD Day, the European Institute of Women’s Health highlights it’s not too late to improve respiratory health in Europe Since 2002, World Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Day raises awareness and works to improve care of COPD through events and campaigns in over 50 countries on the…

eu: School on Science in Society, issues in Pandemics.
School on Science in Society: issues related to Pandemics. As part of the EU-funded project ASSET, we are pleased to announce: The First Summer School on Science in Society related to issues in Pandemics. Pandemics and other infectious disease (ID) crises impact on mortality/morbidity as well as on socio-economic aspects. Such characterisation…
ie – New strategic plan for health research
Health Research Board (HRB) Ireland developing a new strategic plan for 2016-2020. They are seeking constructive feedback from stakeholders to: – 1. Test our provisional ideas ‘in the field’. 2. Identify significant gaps, or potential errors, in those ideas. They have published a strategy consultation document providing a brief background and outline of areas of…
UK:New quality standards – rare cancer and lung disorder
New quality standards for rare cancer and lung disorder NICE has issued 2 quality standards for care of people with sarcoma and idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis to ensure they have access to the right health and social care professionals. Sarcoma describes a rare group of cancers that develop in the cells responsible for supporting body tissues…