European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH)


Founded in 1996, the European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) that promotes gender equity in public health, research and social policies across Europe.

In striving to achieve the highest standard of health for all, our society’s health policies must recognise that women have specific needs and are faced with various obstacles and opportunities. Women’s health is influenced by a range of factors including gender-based violence, discrimination, the gender pay gap and harmful gender roles and expectations.

This requires a sex and gender-sensitive approach to research and policy. Over the years, the EIWH has worked closely with the European Commission, Member States and the World Health Organization to place gender mainstreaming on the health and research agenda.



EIWH Objectives


The EIWH’s main objective is to promote equitable, gender sensitive approaches in health policy, research, treatment and care for the benefit of all citizens. The EIWH aims to reduce inequalities in health for all but particularly due to gender, age and socio economic status by highlighting that sex and gender are important determinants of health and our understanding how vulnerability to the onset and progression of specific diseases vary in men and women must be improved.

Our interests include preventive measures such as vaccination, birth control, etc. to all other relevant medicines for women as patients but also as carers for their children and other family members. To achieve the organisations objectives, the EIWH will continue to:

  • Promote health throughout the lifespan in women and their families
  • Ensure quality and equity in health policy, research, treatment and care for all
  • Draw policymakers attention to obstacles that women in minority and socio-economically disadvantaged groups face in obtaining a desirable health status.
  • Empower individuals to play an active part in their own health management.
  • Promote gender specific bio-medical and socio economic research that addresses sex and gender based differences so ensuring access to quality treatment and care for women across their life span.


Our key target groups include, but are not limited to

The European Commission specifically: DG Sante; DG Research, DG Justice; DG Connect; DG Employment,Social Affairs and Inclusion.

European Parliament, European Medicines Agency (EMA), The Council Presidencies, EU Member States, Public Health NGOs, Researchers, Health professionals and academic organisations, European national health systems, Patients and healthy people: especially including marginalised and vulnerable groups.


Key Priorities


  • Prevention of chronic diseases
  • Promotion of Health and Well being and combating smoking drinking and obesity in Women
  • Active and healthy ageing across the lifespan and increasing healthy life years.
  • Access to high quality treatment and care across the lifespan.
  • Safety of medicines in pregnancy.
  • Sex and gender in medicines regulation and medical education.
  • Vaccination across the lifespan.
  • Healthy pregnancies.
  • Mental Health across the lifespan, particularly depression.
  • Sex and gender sensitive Health Systems.
  • EIWH communications and Membership expansion.
  • Continued partnership with ECDC on Antibiotics Awareness raising and European Immunisation Week.

The EIWH is governed by a Board of Directors as nominated by members. The EIWH has an Expert Advisory Group appointed by the Board which guides EIWH policies and activities.


EIWH Board of Directors


The Secretariat, headed by the Director General, Peg Maguire, manages all day to day operations of the organisation and represents the EIWH at various international meetings including presentations at conferences. It also manages relationships with EU and international organisations and agencies.

List of Current Directors (being updated)

Code of Conduct for Board members

The Institute is also supported by a network of volunteers who provide a range of highly skilled individuals who give their time to the important work of the institute. This invaluable resource to the institute supports our efforts in demonstrating practical examples of how to utilise the expertise and experience that only time can give.

The EIWH has a membership base of individuals and organisations that contribute to our ongoing work.

The rules governing the operation and role of the EIWH Board is outlined in the Articles and Memorandum of Association of the organisation.

Code of Conduct for Volunteers


In addition we provide information for the benefits of our members.

EIWH Code of Conduct (pdf)




Membership of the EIWH is open to individuals and organisations with an interest in women’s and family health. The EIWH has a membership base of individuals and organisations that contribute to the ongoing work of the EIWH. They include experts for a wide range of health related activities form across the EU.

The members contribute to the development of the work programme of the organisation on an annual basis and agree the content. The members on joining the EIWH indicate what areas of work in the health field they have an interest contributing. The membership have their own space on the EIWH website for the exchange of information and to manage their input to the various interest groups.

Members receive updates and press releases on a regular basis as well as notices of consultations taking place and position papers being developed.

Membership list

Members site

Currently going through a major update.

Governance Code

The EIWH is pleased to announce that it has passed the requirements set by the Governance Code Working Group, Ireland. Our results can be reviewed here.




The funding for carrying out EIWH activities are mainly based on European Commission project funding. Other core funding is obtained from industry with no conditions attached to such funding. See links below to download each pdf.


Financial Statement June 2022

Annual Report 2022

Funding 2022

Workplan 2020-2025

Workplan for 2018-21


Transparency Register


The European Institute of Women’s Health CLG (EIWH) is a company limited by guarantee not having share capital is a “not for profit” organisation, registered as a charity in Ireland charity no. CHY.12184.

European Institute of Women’s Health clg (EIWH)

Identification number: 234045010359-36
Registration date: 05/01/2013
Section: III – Non-governmental organisations

10359 European Institute of Women’s Health clg

234045010359-36 EIWH

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