eHealth Competition International Exhibition Centre Kipsala Riga,Latvia,11th May 2015 eHealth Competition is an initiative to reward the best eHealth/ mHealth solutions produced by SMEs (European Small and Medium Enterprises) so supporting business success by giving them visibility together with marketing opportunities to attract customers, partners and external capital. …more
New ‘No Smoking’ website launched
Eurohealth is concerned about the now continuously growing use of e-cigarettes as not only a future and increasing health hazard, but also as a vehicle that will introduce yet another generation to using tobacco based products. The tobacco industry have been very vocal in suggesting that e-cigarettes are a way to help people reduce and…

.mt: Gender law in Malta, 2015
Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act, 2015 The Gender Identity, Gender Expression and Sex Characteristics Act was adopted by the Maltese Parliament on 01/04/2015. Malta new gender law 2015.
International Breast Cancer Conference 2015
Highlights from 14th St Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2015 in Vienna Dealing with classification, prognostication, and prediction refinement to personalize the treatment of patients with early breast cancer … more
ie: More physical activity may reduce mortality
Increased physical activity may reduce mortality risk in inactive people Researchers from the EPIC study (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition) found that increased physical activity (PA) reduced the risk of mortality, particularly when comparing inactive people with those who were moderately inactive. The researchers concluded that these findings provide evidence that even a…
ie: Breast and cervical cancer check Ireland
…11,589 women attended Breastcheck in January. The aim is to screen 140,000 women throughout 2015 and January represents a good start. 26,156 women were screened for cervical cancer during the month, 13.7% ahead of the projected figure…. Press and Communications Office, Department of Health(+353)1 635 4477| Twitter @roinnslainte
UN Convention on rights of persons with disabilities
Events UN Convention on rights of persons with disabilities Crowne Plaza, rue gineste 3, 1210 Brussels 29 April 2015. Work Forum on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN Convention) is meeting in Brussels. The Forum brings together representatives of those responsible for implementing and monitoring the…
20 smoking guns!
Smokers risk all Smoking kills more than 5 million people per year worldwide. So, every 6 seconds a person dies from tobacco products, mainly cigarettes. This product, used in all countries, is the only product that prematurely kills one in two of its consumers. [1] Still it remains the leading cause of preventable death. Most…
Preventing blood clots after a heart attack
Preventing blood clots in people who’ve had heart attack Final guidance: NICE, England recommends rivaroxaban (Xarelto, Bayer Healthcare), in combination with clopidogrel and aspirin, or with aspirin alone, as option preventing blood clots in people after having an acute coronary syndrome. An acute coronary syndrome occurs when one or more of the blood vessels in…
ie: European Working Time Directive in Hospitals
Press Release Thursday, 19th March 2015 NCHDs (Doctors in Training) and European Working Time Directive – Court of Justice Hearing Case 2014/00897 – C-87/14 European Commission -v- Ireland The Department of Health acknowledges that the EWTD has not been fully implemented but good progress has been made in doing so. The Court of Justice heard…