Osteoarthritis caused by growing old?

Osteoarthritis can be caused by: Researchers have uncovered evidence that cellular senescence (growing old)- when cells stop dividing – is a cause of osteoarthritis, and they suggest by targeting these cells a promising way to prevent or treat the condition may be found. Osteoarthritis (OA), known to be as degenerative joint disease, is a condition…

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Recommendation of secukinumab for patients with ankylosing spondylitis In draft guidance NICE,England and Wales,recommends innovative new drug secukinumab (Cosentyx, Novartis) for treating ankylosing spondylitis. Ankylosing spondylitis is a type of arthritis that mainly affects the back. Secukinumab was licensed for use in UK in May, is first in a new class of drug to treat…

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Dialysis patients who smoke die sooner

Dialysis patients who smoke die earlier and are less likely to get a transplant ….    according to new research from the University Limerick. “Smoking remains a major modifiable risk factor for adverse outcomes for men and women on dialysis. It shortens their lifespans and reduces their overall chances of kidney transplantation,” according to Professor Austin…

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EU guidelines on using antimicrobials in human medicine

Proposals for EU guidelines on the prudent use of antimicrobials in human medicine Public consultation opens In the context of ongoing work against rising threats from antimicrobial resistance and given the role of antimicrobial misuse and overuse in the emergence and spread of such resistance, the EC requested ECDC to develop draft EU guidelines on…

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Philip Morris International lose tobacco use case

Uruguay wins legal battle against Philip Morris International to uphold strong laws reducing tobacco use. The case covers  The Right to Use a trade mark (highly relevant for plain packaging) Expropriation of property (critical for plain packaging measures) Value of the Claimant’s property Use of ‘police powers’ (or the State’s right to regulate in the…

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Smartcare – nurses recognised as care coordinators

Smartcare  – nurses recognised as integrated care coordinators Meeting in Trieste for the final Smartcare Conference of this 3-year EU project, aimed at joining up ICT and service processes for quality integrated care in Europe. Smartcare partners were presented the project outcomes, namely: the results of the evaluation of the SmartCare services, piloted in nine…

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Failing to provide gender equality will be costly.

Gender equality in higher education updates Irish higher education report concludes that institutions will risk funding being withheld if they do not address gender inequality in the coming years. Read Higher Education Authority HEA report. British Global Research Council issued a statement of principles and action to promote the equality of women in research. Point…

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