Do claims of better health on food improve diet? Encouraging consumers buy healthier food products to improve diet! Food industry uses health claims and symbols on food packages to help inform consumers to make a healthy choice, but do these work? CLYMBOL (Role of health-related claims and symbols in consumer behaviour), a project, funded by…
WHO and industry: agreements in case of pandemics
WHO and industry: agreements in case of pandemics One main source of distrust towards public health authorities is a suspicion of hidden connections with the pharmaceutical industry, but, in case of a severe pandemic, an adequate supply of antivirals and vaccines is essential. ASSET asked Norman Begg, GSK Vice President, Head of Scientific Affairs and…
EU Scientific Panel for Health (SPH)
EU Scientific Panel for Health (SPH) Value of health and biomedical research Improved health and wellbeing of the people is the ultimate research goal. This societal aspect is an important and traditional characteristic of European1 research and its emphasis and orientation toward humanitarian goals and solidarity. Health also contributes to economic prosperity. Research underpins every…
Did you take your pills today?
Polypharmacy can lead to many hospital admissions and it is something we can do now for our health! In the U.S. research has shown that nearly 30 % of hospital admissions are caused by patients mixing up or making mistakes with their drug use. Polypharmacy, defined as taking 5 or more associated drugs, is a…
14th Annual All-Ireland Gay Health Forum
Press Release The 14th Annual All-Ireland Gay Health Forum in Dublin Castle today, Friday, 10th June by Marcella Corcoran Kennedy TD, Minister for State at the Department of Health with responsibility for Health Promotion, The Minister welcomed the partnership approach shown by the HSE and various organisations attending the Forum in advancing the health and…
Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education (and Research)
9th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education (and Research) Event The French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS), the Université Paris Diderot, and the Université Sorbonne Paris Cité (USPC), with support from the French Ministry for National Education, Higher Education and Research, is inviting researchers, professors, administrators, policy-makers, practitioners and students to Paris,…
Research organisations are biased too!
Research organisations have gender inequalities too Women make up over half of graduate students in the EU, but are only 33% of all researchers, holding only 20% of senior academic positions. The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE), in cooperation with the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation have developed an online tool to…

Right fat not low fat diet!
Dietary guidelines challenged! Dr. Ramon Estruch, CIBER OBN-University of Barcelona, Spain says their findings challenge current dietary guidelines, which have long hailed the benefits of a low-fat diet. “More than 40 years of nutritional policy has advocated for a low-fat diet but we’re seeing little impact on rising levels of obesity,” notes Dr. Estruch. Our…

ProACT Programme launch
McEntee launches ProACT Programme at TCD Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People Helen McEntee TD officially launched a programme event today that links technology with the healthcare support of older people. Co-ordinated by Trinity College Dublin, ProACT (Integrated Technology Ecosystems for ProACTive Patent Centred Care) programme aims to develop and evaluate a…
No smoke without “ire”
People killed by smoking in Ireland “Given that approximately 5,870 people die annually from tobacco-related diseases in Ireland, we are committed to continuing to reduce the numbers of people smoking in Ireland,” said Minister Corcoran Kennedy. “Ireland has been a world leader in relation to tobacco control as well as in our support for public…