Press Release 29 Jan 2025 Today, the “MEPs for Women’s Health“ group was re-launched in the European Parliament. It is a cross-party group aimed at addressing the challenges in women’s health across the EU. The initiative brings together Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) with a shared commitment to improving women’s health policies, ensuring access…
EIWH and WHO Civil Society Commission
The European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) is delighted to announce our acceptance to participate with the WHO Civil Society Commission. The WHO Civil Society Commission mission is to strengthen dialogue, foster collaboration and provide recommendations to support WHO on its engagement with civil society at global, regional and national levels to achieve health for…
EIWH Statement to EU Beating Cancer – 04/02/2020
European Institute of Women’s Health: Statement on: EU Beating Cancer 04/02/2020 Cancer is Europe’s second leading cause of death. After cardiovascular diseases, accounting for 26% of all deaths in 2013. More than 1.3 million people died of cancer in 2013 across all EU Member States The growing cancer incidence in Europe is a major public…
EU Violence against women survey
The EU Commission is encouraging EU Member States to ratify the violence and harassment convention. The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Council Decision allowing Member States to take forward the process of ratifying, at national level, the Convention on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work. A recent…
EU Manifesto for Women’s Health
INVITATION EU Manifesto for Women’s Health European Parliament Launch Hosted by Ms.Deidre Clune, MEP in partnership with the European Institute of Women’s Health Healthy Women — Healthy Europe 10th OCTOBER 2018 10:30AM – 12:30PM ROOM A3F383 European Parliament, Brussels To register for the event, please send: Your name, title, passport number, passport country and…

ProACT Programme launch
McEntee launches ProACT Programme at TCD Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People Helen McEntee TD officially launched a programme event today that links technology with the healthcare support of older people. Co-ordinated by Trinity College Dublin, ProACT (Integrated Technology Ecosystems for ProACTive Patent Centred Care) programme aims to develop and evaluate a…
Public consultation on revised European Tobacco Products Directive
European Tobacco Products Directive – a Consultation The Department of Health, Friday, 16th October 2015, commenced a public consultation on transposition of the revised European Tobacco Products Directive (2014/40/EU). This aims to harmonise laws on tobacco products and electronic cigarettes, facilitating the smooth functioning of the internal market while assuring a high level of public…
eu – Resolution calls for new EU Alcohol Strategy
European Parliament Resolution calls for new EU Alcohol Strategy The European Parliament (EP) 29.04.2015, adopted a Resolution calling on the European Commission to present a new EU Alcohol Strategy to tackle health harm for 2016-2022. The clear message from MEPs comes just a week after EU Health Ministers meeting in Riga called on the Commission…

Equality between women and men in the EU
Equality between women and men in the EU Public consultation is open from 21/4 until 21/7/15. It will cover the following policy areas: Gender equality Justice Employment Health EU external actions EU development and cooperation Taxation Target groups The target groups are: Member States; social partner organisations; civil society organisations with an interest in gender…

World Asthma Day 2015
PRESS RELEASE World Asthma Day 2015, 5 May 2015, World Asthma Day In the European Union women live on average five years longer than men (1) but report having lower satisfaction with their health status. The quality of life and well being women experience as they age is not always satisfactory. Chronic diseases such as asthma can affect women and men in different ways. Alarmingly asthma rates have doubled in the last ten years and disproportionately affect women. Issues including: female hormones, modern lifestyles, environmental changes, can impact on the development of asthma. During the last decade it has become apparent from research that many physiological and pathological functions are influenced by sex-based differences in biology which affects patient treatment and care According to the European Institute of Womens Health(EIWH) Policy Brief, Women and Asthma in the EU, asthma rates increase considerably in women over 40 years old, with nearly six new cases of asthma in women to one new case in men. “Women should be aware that the fluctuation of female hormones may be as responsible for Asthma attacks as other environmental factors, such as household dust, cleaning products, perfumes, hairspray etc., causing inflammation of the airways.(2),” stated Hildrun Sundseth, President, EIWH. “ Currently, little data collection occurs at EU level examining asthma prevalence, incidence, morbidity and mortality across the 28 Member States in comparison to other chronic diseases in Europe . Data should be collected annually at the national and EU levels on the various indicators of asthma, disaggregated by gender, age and other important factors. Regular and extensive data collection will inform government officials, policymakers, health officials and patient organisations in order to combat the rising asthma burden across the EU.(3)”, said Peggy Maguire, Director General, European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH). ENDS For more information please contact: EIWH, +35 386 822 55 76 Facts from the EIWH Women and Asthma in the EU About thirty million people have asthma, about six million of whom have severe symptoms. In Europe, asthma is more common in females (4.3%) than in males (3.3%) ages fifteen and older with the exception of Slovenia. In childhood, boys have twice the rate of asthma as girls. However, the rates reverse once girls…