The European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) is delighted to announce our acceptance to participate with the WHO Civil Society Commission. The WHO Civil Society Commission mission is to strengthen dialogue, foster collaboration and provide recommendations to support WHO on its engagement with civil society at global, regional and national levels to achieve health for…
Guidelines highlight how time is critical to effective treatment.
Count to 40 seconds and an American has died of a heart attack. Over 800 thousand people die every year from heart attacks. One in five heart attacks are silent, meaning blockage of blood flow to the heart starts but the person remains completely unaware. There are many silent warning signs which could make the…
WIRED Health 2017
WIRED Health, 30 Euston Square,London, Mar. 9th, 2017 Healthcare, pharmaceutical and technology influencers and leaders at the 4th Annual WIRED Health event, as they gather to hear compelling stories from the co-inventor of CRISPR; the co-discoverer of the ebola virus; and the chief medical officer of the UK government. …more

European Health Forum Gastein 2016
EVENT European Health Forum Gastein 2016 From Wed. 28th Sep 2016 to Fri. 30 Sep 2016, Bad Hofgastein, Salzburg, Austria 2016 high-level conference will include a forum called “Reality meets Reality”: Healthcare providers and professionals, citizens and policy makers recognise the need for changes in healthcare systems and, although slowly, they are consistently becoming part…

Healthcare Quality Reporting System Annual report. Ireland
Ireland: Healthcare Quality Reporting System report. The second National Healthcare Quality Reporting System (NHQRS) Ireland, annual report has been issued . It focuses on a range of outcomes that are important to patients and that reflect the broad range of health services provided in Ireland. Presenting the information in this way is an important first step in…
Secure health information needed!
S-health is the obvious patient priority It’s not M-health or E-health but very S-ecure health that is needed!! Healthcare and government are a higher target than the retail sector for most targetted for data breaches, according to Gemalto. security firm 1,673 data breaches meant that 707 million data records were compromised worldwide during 2015, according…
UK: New committee to improve levels of care
Joint committee to improve care in general practice and healthcare commissioning. The new NICE Indicator Advisory Committee replaces the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) Advisory Committee and the Clinical Commissioning Group Outcome Indicator Set (CCG OIS) Advisory Committee. The new committee will comprise GPs, hospital clinicians, lay members and experts representing nursing, pharmacy, public health,…