EUGenMed Final conference “Presentation of the Roadmap” Tuesday, 30th June 2015, 8.15-16.30 at: The Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union, Rue Jacques de Lalaing 8-14, 1040 Brussels, Belgium. Through the establishment of a European Gender Health Network and several thematic workshops,the European Gender Medicine Project (EUGenMed) developeda roadmap for the implementation of sex and gender in biomedicine and health research. We produced diverse instruments (position papers, policy briefs, review papers, implementation, recommendations, slides etc.) to aid the incorporation of sex and gender within the areas of medical research, health care and policy. Now, at our final conference, we will present these products and collectively define the road for future implementation. Programme: 8.15-9.45 Registration and coffee, informal discussions with project leaders 9.45-10.00 Welcome by the official host The Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union. 10.00-10.15 Welcome and representation of EUGenMed Project Partners Charité: Vera Regitz-Zagrosek, UM: Ineke Klinge, EIWH: Peggy Maguire, 10.15-10.30 Overview on the EUGenMed Project goals – The roadmap Vera Regitz-Zagrosek 10.30-11.45 Results from WS clinical medicine and pharmacology (1.1) and basic research (1.3) Chairs: Vera Regitz-Zagrosek/Angela Maas Sex and gender issues in clinical cardiology Angela Maas, The Netherlands Drug therapy Karin Schenck-Gustafsson, Sweden Basic research Vera Regitz-Zagrosek, Germany Discussion with all stakeholders 11.45-12.45 Results from WS on public health and prevention (1.2) Chairs: Ineke Klinge Facts in public health Lucie Dalibert, The Netherlands Implementation into public health practice and policy Sabine Oertelt-Prigione, Germany Discussion with stakeholders…
Commission discusses ways to strengthen EU social policy
The Commission has held an orientation debate to discuss how EU policy can best address social and employment challenges in Europe. President Juncker’s political guidelines already underline the need for social fairness and aim to reinforce principles of a European Social Market Economy. The outcome of today’s debate will feed into the Commission’s work programme…
Ngos Resign from Health Forum
PRESS RELEASE European Public Health Alliance – working Towards Better Health For All. Ngos resign from health forum as Commission ignores member state and European Parliament calls for alcohol strategy. Public Health NGOs have today resigned from the EU Alcohol and Health Forum, after Commissioner Andriukaitis said he has no plans to establish a new…
8th European Public Health Conference
Event 8th European Public Health Conference Wed., 14 – 17th Oct 2015, MiCo Milano Congressi, Milan, Italy Organized by the European Public Health Conference Foundation, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI). The event will contribute to improving public health in Europe by offering…
ie: Consultation day on obesity
Consultation day on obesity, Monday, Apr 27th, Farmleigh, Dublin as the first step in developing action plan. This will be held by the Department of Health with wide range of groups attending. Obesity is a major challenge to Irish society. Representatives from a wide range of health and other related services will be asked for…

EVENT FORUM ON THE FUTURE OF GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION! The European Commission is running an event of two days of interactive discussion with other stakeholders on achieving gender equality in Europe. This dialogue will be translated into defining priority areas for political action to take place over the coming years. The Gender…
ie: Agreement on Free GP Care for Under 6s
Statement: Ministers welcome Agreement with IMO on Free GP Care for Under-6s Agreement between the Department of Health, the HSE and the Irish Medical Organisation on terms for the delivery of free GP care for all children aged under 6. “This agreement represents the first step in the phased introduction of a universal GP service…

European Cervical Cancer Week, 2015
Press release The European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) supports European Cervical Cancer Week Jan 25-31st 2015 The prevention of cervical cancer has the potential to become a major public health success story. We should be able to lower rates of cervical cancer even further, if best practice in early detection through cancer screening and…
ie: Bulletin on drugs and alcohol research and policy
Drugs and alcohol research and policy bulletin Drugnet, Issue 50, Quarterly bulletin on drugs and alcohol research and policy Drugnet, Issue 51, Quarterly bulletin on drugs and alcohol research and policy