Consultation day on obesity, Monday, Apr 27th, Farmleigh, Dublin as the first step in developing action plan. This will be held by the Department of Health with wide range of groups attending. Obesity is a major challenge to Irish society. Representatives from a wide range of health and other related services will be asked for…
People, Purpose, Passion
Event National Nursing and Midwifery Leadership and Innovation Summit: People Purpose Passion. Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Printworks Room, Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland Hosted by the National Leadership and Innovation Centre Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services HSE. All nurses, midwives and health professionals welcome
EVENT FORUM ON THE FUTURE OF GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION! The European Commission is running an event of two days of interactive discussion with other stakeholders on achieving gender equality in Europe. This dialogue will be translated into defining priority areas for political action to take place over the coming years. The Gender…
European Respiratory Society Congress 2015
Event European Respiratory Society Congress,Amsterdam, Netherlands 26th – 30th Sept 2015. ERS International Congress in Amsterdam will start of the second Healthy Lungs for Life campaign, a global awareness campaign that brings together professionals, patients, the public and policymakers to reduce the burden of lung disease.
UN Convention on rights of persons with disabilities
Events UN Convention on rights of persons with disabilities Crowne Plaza, rue gineste 3, 1210 Brussels 29 April 2015. Work Forum on the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UN Convention) is meeting in Brussels. The Forum brings together representatives of those responsible for implementing and monitoring the…
European Gender Medicine Workshops
Press Release Making it Happen—European Institute of Women’s Health hosts expert workshop on sex and gender in medicines regulation and medical education As part of the FP7-funded European Gender Medicine (EUGenMed) Project, the European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) organised a workshop on 4 March 2015, bringing together a multidisciplinary, multi-sectorial group of experts to…
Gender Medicine Meeting: expert workshop sex and gender in medicines regulation and medical education
Press release: Gender Medicine Meeting European Institute of Women’s Health hosts expert workshop on sex and gender in medicines regulation and medical education As part of the FP7-funded European Gender Medicine (EUGenMed) Project, the European Institute of Women’s Health (EIWH) organised a workshop on 4 March 2015, bringing together a multidisciplinary, multi-sectorial group of approximately…
Expert Workshops: Sex and Gender in Medicine Regulation, Medical Education
EVENT Expert Workshops on Sex and Gender in Medicines Regulation and Medical Education 4th March 2015, 0900-1730. Room TRE7701, 7th floor, Trèves Building, 74 Rue de Trèves. European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels Research addressing Sex and Gender (S&G) in biomedical science and health research is a novel and highly promising field. The interaction of…
eHealth Week 2015
EVENT International Exhibition Centre Kipsala, Riga, Latvia,11-13 May 2015 eHealth Week 2015 has two main events: High Level eHealth Conference organised by the Latvian Ministry of Health and The Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and WoHIT (World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition). With over 2000 international delegates and 75 exhibitors,…
National Conference
Event National Conference 20th Finnish National Conference on Telemedicine and eHealth Espoo, Finland, 9th -10th April 2015 eHealth – Driver for innovative change Cover themes from updating knowledge on International eHealth trends National health reform eHealth strategy changes Update on ongoing health information system projects The latest development will be introduced with citizen empowerment and…