Home Care – what other countries do?

Looking at regulation and financing in four European countries. The HRB evidence review examined Approaches to the regulation and financing of formal home care services in four European countries. These were Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden and Scotland. The report describes and compares published information on formal home care with respect to: Legislation. National standards. Staff and…

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Wearable tech can help tackle obesity

Wearable tech can help tackle obesity when supervised by health professionals Technology offers solutions to many health problems, but can the new generation of wearable sensors help patients manage their weight? Experience from the EU-funded DAPHNE project suggests that there are challenges and opportunities. Professor Tim Lobstein, policy director at the World Obesity Federation and…

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1st World Conference on Supported Employment

1st World Conference on Supported Employment – “Employment for All – A Global Perspective” On the 14-16 June 2017 at Belfast, Northern Ireland Venue: La Mon Hotel and Country Club and Titanic EASPD contact persons: André Félix (conference) and Tsvetelina Ivanova (Employment for All Awards) Website: http://www.employmentforall2017.com/ Conference Employment for All – A Global Perspective…

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Ixekizumab for treating moderate to severe plaque psoriasis

Today NICE, England published final draft guidance recommending Ixekizumab for treating moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.  The draft guidance can be found here Ixekizumab is recommended as an option for treating plaque psoriasis in adults, only if: the disease is severe, as defined by a total Psoriasis Area and Severity Index (PASI) of 10 or…

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HRB seeks public input on research proposals

The Health Research Board, Dublin, Ireland is inviting members of the public to review aspects of the health research proposals they receive. According to Dr Siobhán Hendrick, who is implementing this pilot project, ‘Almost everyone* can take part in this public review process. You do not need previous experience or qualifications. You may be a…

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Adopting eHealth Awards 2017

eHealth Adoption Awards 2017 eHealth Adoption Awards 2017 is a prize recognising the work of adopters and their technological suppliers in implementing eHealth innovation for the benefit of patients. Adopters and suppliers are invited to jointly apply and publicly present their success story at the eHealth Week in Malta. These awards give visibility and recognition…

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