Behavioural change to tobacco, alcohol,diet and impact on health Minister Corcoran Kennedy highlighted importance of price measures in changing behaviour in relation to cigarettes, alcohol and unhealthy diets as she opened a health promotion conference in Liverpool. She highlighted the importance of price measures to encourage behavioural change in relation to tobacco use, alcohol and…
Direct cost of alcohol abuse is over €155 billion
Alcohol -3rd highest risk to causing disease and death in EU. Tackling alcohol related harm The direct costs through healthcare, crime, policing, accidents and productivity losses were €155 billion in 2010. EU strategy to support Member States in reducing alcohol related harm identifies common priorities, including the need to develop common evidence base and monitoring,…
Alcohol consumption and costs in Ireland
Alcohol consumption, harm and cost in Ireland HRB new report released: Latest compiled data from the Irish hospital in-patient reporting system confirms impacts of alcohol consumption on the health system. This report examines national findings on the patterns and effects of alcohol consumption and it’s impact on individuals and society. …..more

uk: No evidence of “safe” level of alcohol for pregnant women.
Pregnant women should not touch a drop of alcohol, because there is no evidence of a “safe” threshold, doctors have said. Experts in paediatrics and pregnancy writing in the BMJ, said women planning a family were being given too much “conflicting advice” which could put their child at risk. Mary Mather, a retired paediatrician, and…

EU – Court to decide on Scottish drink pricing policy
Highest EU Court to decide on pricing of alcoholic drinks Plans for a minimum price for alcohol in Scotland went before the highest court in matters of European Union law, in the latest stage of a lengthy legal battle over this matter of public health. The hearing on the Scottish Government’s proposal for a minimum unit…
ie: 2013 figures National Drug Treatment Report
2013 figures – National Drug Treatment Reporting Treated problem alcohol use in Ireland Paper presenting figures from National Drug Treatment Reporting System (NDTRS) on treated problem alcohol use in Ireland, for the period 2009 to 2013. … Download Full PDF (715 Kb)
Ngos Resign from Health Forum
PRESS RELEASE European Public Health Alliance – working Towards Better Health For All. Ngos resign from health forum as Commission ignores member state and European Parliament calls for alcohol strategy. Public Health NGOs have today resigned from the EU Alcohol and Health Forum, after Commissioner Andriukaitis said he has no plans to establish a new…
eu – Resolution calls for new EU Alcohol Strategy
European Parliament Resolution calls for new EU Alcohol Strategy The European Parliament (EP) 29.04.2015, adopted a Resolution calling on the European Commission to present a new EU Alcohol Strategy to tackle health harm for 2016-2022. The clear message from MEPs comes just a week after EU Health Ministers meeting in Riga called on the Commission…
ie: Bulletin on drugs and alcohol research and policy
Drugs and alcohol research and policy bulletin Drugnet, Issue 50, Quarterly bulletin on drugs and alcohol research and policy Drugnet, Issue 51, Quarterly bulletin on drugs and alcohol research and policy