Event 8th European Public Health Conference Wed., 14 – 17th Oct 2015, MiCo Milano Congressi, Milan, Italy Organized by the European Public Health Conference Foundation, the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) and the Italian Society of Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Public Health (SItI). The event will contribute to improving public health in Europe by offering…
ie:Better Start – Early Years Quality Development Service
Better Start, the National Early Years Quality Development Service’ initiative to promote and enhance quality of early childhood care and education launched in Ireland, 14 May 2015. Minister Reilly said: ‘Better Start demonstrates my Department’s and this Government’s commitment to ensure excellence in early years services. Every year, in the region of €13 million is…
Personalised nutrition to improve population health
Personalised nutrition to improve population health Research on consumer attitudes to providing personalised nutrition (PN) services by national health services sees UK consumers compared with those in Ireland shows People in both countries prefer services to be driven by their governments, Only those in the UK expect a free service, at point of delivery. Paying…
eu – Resolution calls for new EU Alcohol Strategy
European Parliament Resolution calls for new EU Alcohol Strategy The European Parliament (EP) 29.04.2015, adopted a Resolution calling on the European Commission to present a new EU Alcohol Strategy to tackle health harm for 2016-2022. The clear message from MEPs comes just a week after EU Health Ministers meeting in Riga called on the Commission…
Smokers do you know about TAR
Smokers did you know about tar: Tar is the oily material which remains after tobacco passes through the filter. When a smoker inhales, a lot of the tar sticks to and blackens the lungs… .more

EVENT FORUM ON THE FUTURE OF GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION! The European Commission is running an event of two days of interactive discussion with other stakeholders on achieving gender equality in Europe. This dialogue will be translated into defining priority areas for political action to take place over the coming years. The Gender…
European Respiratory Society Congress 2015
Event European Respiratory Society Congress,Amsterdam, Netherlands 26th – 30th Sept 2015. ERS International Congress in Amsterdam will start of the second Healthy Lungs for Life campaign, a global awareness campaign that brings together professionals, patients, the public and policymakers to reduce the burden of lung disease.
Preventing blood clots after a heart attack
Preventing blood clots in people who’ve had heart attack Final guidance: NICE, England recommends rivaroxaban (Xarelto, Bayer Healthcare), in combination with clopidogrel and aspirin, or with aspirin alone, as option preventing blood clots in people after having an acute coronary syndrome. An acute coronary syndrome occurs when one or more of the blood vessels in…
ie: Emergency legislation introduced on Misuse of Drugs
Irish Govt introduces emergency legislation after Court of Appeal judgment The Government is introducing emergency legislation after Court of Appeal decision regarding a challenge to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1977. The case dealt with the powers of the Government to control substances which are harmful to human health under Section 2 (2) of the…
Expert Workshops: Sex and Gender in Medicine Regulation, Medical Education
EVENT Expert Workshops on Sex and Gender in Medicines Regulation and Medical Education 4th March 2015, 0900-1730. Room TRE7701, 7th floor, Trèves Building, 74 Rue de Trèves. European Economic and Social Committee, Brussels Research addressing Sex and Gender (S&G) in biomedical science and health research is a novel and highly promising field. The interaction of…