Highest EU Court to decide on pricing of alcoholic drinks Plans for a minimum price for alcohol in Scotland went before the highest court in matters of European Union law, in the latest stage of a lengthy legal battle over this matter of public health. The hearing on the Scottish Government’s proposal for a minimum unit…
European Gender Medicine Project Final Conference
PRESS RELEASE European Gender Medicine Project hosts final conference in Brussels 30 June 2015, In a one day final conference hosted by the Permanent Representation of the Federal Republic of Germany to the European Union, the European Gender Medicine Project (EUGenMed) partners met with over eighty experts and stakeholders to discuss the future of Gender…
EGA conference – session 4, Health Equality, sustainable access to medicines
EGA conference: session 4, Health Equality, sustainable access to medicines Presentation by Peggy Maguire in her role as President, EPHA. Presentation outline:Background info re: EPHA & health inequalities Challenges and opportunities for narrowing health inequalities in Europe Changing healthcare environments Economic crisis & austerity Health literacy & patient empowerment Sex and gender in medications Investing…
ie: Future HRB strategy – consultation and feedback
The HealthResearch Board, Ireland (HRB) is developing a new strategic plan to direct their activity from 2016 to 2020. They want to engage with people interested in future Irish health research with constructive feedback from stakeholders: Testing provisional ideas ‘in the field’. Identifing significant gaps, or potential errors, in their approach. You can assist by…
Personalised nutrition to improve population health
Personalised nutrition to improve population health Research on consumer attitudes to providing personalised nutrition (PN) services by national health services sees UK consumers compared with those in Ireland shows People in both countries prefer services to be driven by their governments, Only those in the UK expect a free service, at point of delivery. Paying…
eu – Resolution calls for new EU Alcohol Strategy
European Parliament Resolution calls for new EU Alcohol Strategy The European Parliament (EP) 29.04.2015, adopted a Resolution calling on the European Commission to present a new EU Alcohol Strategy to tackle health harm for 2016-2022. The clear message from MEPs comes just a week after EU Health Ministers meeting in Riga called on the Commission…
ie: Consultation day on obesity
Consultation day on obesity, Monday, Apr 27th, Farmleigh, Dublin as the first step in developing action plan. This will be held by the Department of Health with wide range of groups attending. Obesity is a major challenge to Irish society. Representatives from a wide range of health and other related services will be asked for…
People, Purpose, Passion
Event National Nursing and Midwifery Leadership and Innovation Summit: People Purpose Passion. Tuesday, May 12, 2015 Printworks Room, Dublin Castle, Dublin, Ireland Hosted by the National Leadership and Innovation Centre Office of the Nursing and Midwifery Services HSE. All nurses, midwives and health professionals welcome

EVENT FORUM ON THE FUTURE OF GENDER EQUALITY IN THE EUROPEAN UNION! The European Commission is running an event of two days of interactive discussion with other stakeholders on achieving gender equality in Europe. This dialogue will be translated into defining priority areas for political action to take place over the coming years. The Gender…
ie: Agreement on Free GP Care for Under 6s
Statement: Ministers welcome Agreement with IMO on Free GP Care for Under-6s Agreement between the Department of Health, the HSE and the Irish Medical Organisation on terms for the delivery of free GP care for all children aged under 6. “This agreement represents the first step in the phased introduction of a universal GP service…